Marine Snails of the Pacific Northwest



Local Representatives

Species Lists




Species Lists

Throughout the quarter our class visited different sites in the Pacific Northwest and kept a list of species we identified. Below is a list of snail species I spotted and some you may want to look for if you are at any of these sites.

Fox Island

  • Nucella lamellosa-frilled dogwinkle
  • Nucella emarginata- striped dogwinkle
  • Littorina scutulata- checkered periwinkle
  • Calliostoma ligatum- blue topsnail
  • Ceratostoma foliatum- leafy hornmouth

Willapa Bay

  • Ceratostoma inornatum- Japanese oyster drill

Friday Harbor

Dredging- rocky bottom

  • Fusitriton oregonensis- Oregon triton
  • Margarites pupillus- puppet margarite
  • Trichotropis cancellata- checkered hairy snail

Argyle Creek

  • Littorina scutulata- checkered periwinkle
  • Nucella lamellosa- frilled dogwinkle

Cattle Point

  • Littorina scutulata- checkered periwinkle
  • Littorina sitkana- sitka periwinkle
  • Nucella lamellosa- frilled dogwinkle

Olympic Peninsula

Silkal Point

  • Littorina sitkana- sitka periwinkle
  • Tegula funebralis- black turban
  • Littorina scutulata- checkered periwinkle
  • Nucella emarginata- striped dogwinkle


Salt Creek

  • Lirabuccinum dirum- dire whelk
  • Calliostoma ligatum- blue topsnail
  • Nucella emarginata- striped dogwinkle
  • Littorina sitkana- sitka periwinkle


This web page is part of the UWT Marine Ecology class of 2008 and was created by Amanda Ruby

Top photo credit: H. Beimler